Over the years I have accumulated a list of great resources in my grants and foundations folder. I thought I would share them with you. Many are specifically for artists, but my interest has been in the economic development potential that craft production can have on low income populations, so there are also many that are targeted towards non-profits or efforts working in under-served communities.
Please let me know if any links quit working in the comments area. And, if you have some favorites you want to share with anyone, you can leave links and info there, too. Funding opportunities for artists and non-profits have become increasingly harder to obtain, but there are still places out there that can help give that financial push needed to start or grow a good idea. Also, as I am in the Unites States, my list will serve mostly those living here, although some do have an international focus or have branches in other parts of the world.
The link is embedded in the photo or name of the organization, followed by its mission or description. It is in alphabetical order.
The Alternate ROOTS Resources for Social Change Program directly supports the CAPP by hosting Learning Exchanges that share ideas, methods, and techniques for creating social change through the arts. The core method used to share information are learning exchanges that engage emerging, as well as established art partners in sharing best practices toward partnerships that incorporate the five key principles forcreating sustained projects with deep impact.
This link will take you to a list of resources for women provided by Awakened Woman. There is a section on women's art.
Individuals or organizations may apply for grants of up to $5000 (Canadian dollars) to fund projects that creatively interpret the environment, natural history, human heritage, arts, philosophy, lifestyle, and adventure, in and of the mountains. Projects must include a communications component (such as film, literature, photography) that brings the project before a public audience. Projects must show respect for mountain landscapes as places of ecological, inspirational, and cultural value. Projects should be world class in execution, celebrate the spirit of adventure, and reflect our mission statement.
Mission: The mission of the regional UNC center is to advance the understanding of craft by encouraging and supporting research, scholarship, and professional development.
The mission of the nonprofit is to support the regional center through funding, programs and outreach to national and regional artists, craft organizations, schools, and the local community.
Cubs Care: Cubs Care is the charitable beneficiary of the Chicago Cubs and a fund of the McCormick Tribune Foundation (MTF). Cubs Care focuses it's giving in the city of Chicago and makes monetary grants to organizations that aid children who have special needs, victims of domestic violence and youth sports programs. Most of these grants are to specific programs. Cubs Care also focuses on a wide variety of charitable and social service agencies located in the immediate neighborhood of Wrigley Field. This includes Lake View, Uptown and Lincoln Park. To help stimulate giving the fund, the MTF provides significant matching dollars to all funds raised for Cubs Care.
Note: Cubs Care funded the quilt project I worked on with Chicago artist, Allison Svoboda. See my Fiber Focus post on it.
Echoing Green: To accelerate social change, Echoing Green invests in and supports outstanding emerging social entrepreneurs to launch new organizations that deliver bold, high-impact solutions. Through a two-year fellowship program, we help our network of visionaries develop new solutions to society’s most difficult problems. These social entrepreneurs and their organizations work to solve deeply-rooted social, environmental, economic, and political inequities to ensure equal access and to help all individuals reach their potential. To date, Echoing Green has invested $27 million in seed funding to over 450 social entrepreneurs and their innovative organizations.
Established in 1956, and today supported by more than 600 foundations, the Foundation Center is the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, connecting nonprofits and the grantmakers supporting them to tools they can use and information they can trust. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants — a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance philanthropy at every level. The Center's web site receives more than 47,000 visits each day, and thousands of people gain access to free resources in its five regional library/learning centers and its national network of more than 340 Cooperating Collections.
Idealist.Org: This is an incredible resource if you are looking for a job with a social mission. It also has resources that are very useful. Idealist.Org is a part of Action Without Borders which connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. AWB is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. Our work is guided by the common desire of our members and supporters to find practical solutions to social and environmental problems, in a spirit of generosity and mutual respect.
International Quilt Association: The International Quilt Assocation is dedicated to the preservation of quilts and the art of quilting, the attainment of public recognition for quilting and for quilts as an art form, and the advancement of the state of the art through continuing education services for members, public education activities, and professional and artisan
development programs.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation: The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation provides fellowships for advanced professionals in all fields (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, creative arts) except the performing arts. Fellowships are not available for students. The Foundation only supports individuals. It does not make grants to institutions or organizations. The Foundation selects its Fellows on the basis of two separate competitions, one for the United States and Canada, the other for Latin America and the Caribbean.
MetLife Foundation was established in 1976 by MetLife for the purpose of supporting educational, health and civic and cultural organizations. Our goals are to strengthen communities, promote good health and improve education. The Foundation continues a tradition of corporate contributions and community involvement begun by MetLife in the 19th century.
They also have a good links page.
Lindbergh Foundation: Each year, The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation presents Lindbergh Grants to individuals whose proposed research or education projects will make important contributions toward improving the quality of life by balancing technological advancements and the preservation of our environment. Awarded in amounts up to $10,580 each (a symbolic figure representing the cost of the "Spirit of St. Louis" in 1927), the Grants are made in numerous areas of special interest to Charles and Anne Lindbergh, including aviation/aerospace, agriculture, arts and humanities, biomedical research and adaptive technology, conservation of natural resources, education, exploration, health and population sciences, intercultural communication, oceanography, waste disposal management, water resource management, and wildlife preservation.
Nathan Cummings Foundation: The Foundation’s core programs include arts and culture; the environment; health; interprogram initiatives for social and economic justice; and the Jewish life and values/contemplative practice programs.
The Foundation seeks to work with partners in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. We make efforts to document the outcomes of our projects and share with others the results of our work and the work of our grantees. Several basic themes run through all of these programs and inform the Foundation’s approach to grantmaking:
- concern for the poor, disadvantaged, and underserved;
- respect for diversity;
- promotion of understanding across cultures; and
- empowerment of communities in need.
* Reflect the diversity of the community served by the project in both its leadership and organization;
* Promote building community power;
* Promote racial, social, economic and environmental justice;
* Have limited financial access or have encountered obstacles in their search for
funding. Organizational budget should not exceed $150,000.
open the doors of artistic expression
by providing grants to artists and art organizations who are often excluded from mainstream opportunities due to their race, gender, or social philosophy.
In over twenty years of grantmaking, the Grant Program's Annual Grant Competition and Priority Grantmaking Competition have received nearly 10,000 applications and awarded almost 2,000 grants. The Institute has provided funding to grantees located in 46 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and in 81 foreign countries.
Winrock matches innovative approaches in agriculture, natural resources management, clean energy, and leadership development with the unique needs of its partners. By linking local individuals and communities with new ideas and technology, Winrock is increasing long-term productivity, equity, and responsible resource management to benefit the poor and disadvantaged of the world.
Women of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America): Women of the ELCA awards grants annually. The organization encourages applications addressing a broad range of issues within rural, urban, and suburban sectors.
Wow! What an incredible post! Are you going to add this list to the Fiber Focus ning? It would be great if it could added in such a way that other members could add to it. At any rate, really impressive list. Lots of work on your part. :)